Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Old Thunders!

Sometimes heart can beat like a thunder to meet someone you love
Heart is a child always
Sometimes mind speaks to us louder and louder repeatedly
We need to listen to it
As people grow, heart often reminds you thunders and mind doesn't remind us much about the decisions made..
World might say put your heart over mind
I believed in my life to put my mind over heart when I have to make tough choices
I blamed situations in life would have made me do that, but why blame them, when life is good!
My parents always chosen to live with their heart, as I said heart is always a child, innocent, clean,  loving, also short lived.
At time I wonder what is the need for living long, unless I can go to Mars or drive straight into sky in a car for a joy ride.
Jokes apart, I don't see a reason for anyone of them in this world to live long. People say we do something for next generation, we create histories, we bring peace, blah blah. I think some day everything is useless.
Valentines day were so special back in college, now when I think of those days I vaguely recollect I was shy to go to college on that day, just imagining someone might propose to me. Actually that never happened. I tried so hard this morning to think if I can recall any moment or incident of any valentines day, I cant recall any, it is so weird and I claim always my memory is amazing. Probably Valentines day was never too important.
Going back to India today
Again I feel anxious each time before going to India... emotions trigger all the time and I always say to myself if I can handle them all. I think I am trying my best to learn and control all the emotions.
I have some guilt stuff going on at work lately..if I dont complete any task on time, rather than feeling anxious I feel guilt. Its weird anyways, I need to come out of that pretty shell of not working in guilt.

And here is a poem I once write in India for a small competition at work during Valentines day.

"I sit silently today at office desk,
You came creeping softly on my mind
Your seed in my mind have grown into a plant..
I am thinking like a silent well still !
My thoughts are unnecessary words..
They are like drops falling from a old unused wooden roof...
Silently falling over...
I am growing your plant in my mind with that water of silence..
You know..
Today it gave a flower of love
You came creeping softly in my mind !"

And my new painting below..yayy.. I should paint more..

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