Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Minimalism - Reactive

Reading about minimalism has itself making me very anxious
Because it is making me think of all the stuff I need to get rid off
There are sooo many things..just so many
But I know I don't need all of them
I need to accept the fact that I always have been someone who doesn't like to throw away things, I just keep them as memory or I think I don't have right to throw them, just because they are hard earned by someone you love.
I have really crazy stuff or may be usual stuff like everyone else that are just piled up which I really don't need and on top of it I keep buying especially clothes and shoes.
I am surprised for someone like me the minimalist concept is appearing so like my-thing
May be I reached to some stage where I don't need much
While I experiment this, I am gonna get rid of all those memories/materialistic things that I kept storing/piling for no reason.

Reactive is another thing running back of my mind
How good is being reactive to things
In work definitely not good, also in modern kind of living, people dont enjoy reactive people, rather they want someone who think carefully and respond
Unlike before, I argue within myself when I had to change as per the society, because, I always feel there is good side of each behavior
Does reactive behavior has any good side of it.. am I or any reactive person is like that for a reason?

Any second thing is random thought while minimalism is just the thing these days and I am reading just too much. Cant wait to do something about it.


  1. Reaction and Response are two different character traits of people. Reaction while almost always leads to a negative and explosive effect, response yields positive and composed results. We learn being reactive or responsive from people we live with. In history, only people who responded or people with constructive or planned reaction to an anticipated situation, always won. Minimalism is not a modern day concept, I believe. It has been there at the very beginning of human evolution and it is repeating itself now when survival was the basic instinct. But it is a hard concept to achieve as we all get attached to things along with people. As long as it is not a prick in the eye and it doesn't bring you financial loses, you are good with not being a minimalist. Being a minimalist or not is a philosophical difference among people which need not be innate but can be acquired.

  2. yentha pedha comment rasav chelli <3


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