Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Retire and do what..?

When do you all want to retire in life?
I sometimes wonder probably 40 yrs is a good time to retire.. so I can just laze around for another 60yrs (really optimistic of how long I would live). But I really think with the current speed of earning and no spending.. one can save enough to live forever by 40yrs.
So how much do we need to save to live 60yrs .. a simple life..in a village or in a city.. let's do the math..

So, for one person 5.4 crore is enough to live in a metro city for the entire life. Probably costs will go up, but imagine all the money 5.4crore is in a bank with a 7% fixed deposit, the inflation should be able to cover that up.
So imagine a person is able to save 40lakhs per year (giving a high amount by average year on year increase in a person salary for 13.5yrs), he/she can retire in next 13.5years from now. For example, if I take my case, I am 34yrs now, I can retire in the above scenario by 48yrs..

Actually, my calculations suck. Now I don't like this idea. 60yrs is probably too long you know. Cut short to 30yrs. Then I can retire in 7yrs.. which is when I am 41. Actually, that is perfect.

Retire and do what..?

Nothing really.. just get bored.. eat people's head...think of food all the time and hop on to past memories and kill time.... most of all maybe travel sometime.... none of the hobbies is long lasting so killing time might be so hard... maybe once I have kids.. I can be full-time mom.. but that sounds horrible and lazier.. taking naps when kids go to school.. pick them from school... feed them.. and what else watch serials..gossip with women around.. sucks...everything sucks.

Let us say if I go back to our village....maybe lifespan cutdown to another 10yrs i.e. total cutdown 60yrs/2-10yrs=20yrs...(villagers know how to kill you by making mentally weak..it is a skill)...I can retire in the next five years and get into that melodramatic life.. action packed.. weird gossips..sometimes life-threatening... What will I do in a village... go to some college in a nearby town and teach what I learnt while working... go to fresh farms to buy vegetables...wait for cousins to come to the village during holidays... decorate the house and make a cosy place..start Airbnb...
Or maybe just do nothing... cook, eat, watch tv and gossip (realistic scenario).

Or maybe.. travel the world after 40 and never come back.

It is too early to decide on all of this.. but when is the right time? Will I ever think of retiring in my life and do something which doesn't require a routine!

Super proud

 My little brother is no more little.. He has grown up so big that now he went to a new country to study I feel quite proud of him and also ...