At school, I remember there was a small rain water stagnate place behind our bus stop
At nights before sleeping I think how far the paper boat I made that evening after school must have traveled..
I used to think if it drowned with any bullock cart's wheel, I will again make new one next morning..
Back in school, I remember how I used to feel seeing those tiny feet of small children from kindergarten. I used to get so much love on them. I like the hand kerchiefs they hung on their front pockets of shirts.
I remember when the bus stops at the school, how I run to the nearby farm to pour the remaining water from my water bottle to the plants..
After it rained, with that moist weather, black clouds around the school, eyelids twinkling with water drops, mud hands washed in rain water to appear like frozen fingers, I see the house in farm opposite to the school...I thought you have to be rich to live like that..may be I was have to choose to live there not earn..
There was a love shaped small water pond on the way to home, that was a mark for me to know how far I reached home. I sometimes not see the pond, thinking someone might think of me bad seeing love shaped things..
In bus, I see so carefully towards the road standing beside the driver. Most of them were friends to all of us. I tell him when a squirrel or salamander is passing by, so that he will not stamp on it. And if I see any of them already dead on road, I say about it to mom and my friends in school.
And in rainy season, I had this love for marigold flowers, they were so beautiful with long petals, changing colors and small stems, so delicate plants. On Sunday, in the cycle I hire for an hour, I go around the village seeing everyone's garden if they have those plants and I ask them to give me one with nice color. I think I liked yellow those days. And I come home rushing to plant them in our garden. It used to get all the attention one can give to anyone on earth. I kiss the plant when it gives flower. When the flower withers, I take its seeds, dry and sprinkle them at same place.