Monday, September 14, 2009


Blank mind sits in front of a Blank paper
hand is opposite to mind..runs slow
They are not bits and pieces, out of love..
not even sentences out of fear..
they just don't come out of my mind to hand
because I stopped noticing!
In love my hand worked quick..
I never think while writing..
they are lovely words.
do u wanna read them?
people miss things!
girls hide them in their very dairies
I will show u soon,
when the world is Blank!

Pic Courtesy:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

with pen!

Yeah things are going on well I guess...
Cool job...lovely campus, lot of events, cancer clubs, seminars with prior snacks, enormous roof as soon as we step out of lab to refresh, chit chat, and murmur on mobile. On the same roof under a huge tree with orange flowers is our favorite lunch spot.

I was last night occupied with the thoughts of "background". Not those filmy backgrounds, it is about any individual's background, I mean a proper settled theme. At a certain age every person builds a theme in life, like gets grip on some values to practice in their lifetime, some passion to teach their younger ones which they feel very useful, tough times making them feel worth facing, stop thinking what is hard work really mean, able to recognize kindness, patience and fear in people, and a clear picture of certain distance in future. Just this is called background, which I was thinking and remaining all is falling into places accordingly.

And there I go with a small announcement, very informal but really my new thing I want you all to know.
I have taken a step forth with the thought of writing a Novel. My paper and pen are set.
I am in love with it.

Thanks for all your support for making me think, I can do this. With all your love and wishes moving ahead!

Super proud

 My little brother is no more little.. He has grown up so big that now he went to a new country to study I feel quite proud of him and also ...